The second I turn sixteen and get my license, I'm either driving to some far off place or living out of my car. Which, by the way, I drove yesterday for the first time and I sdin't kil anyone! Yay Josie!! We also got new hubcaps for the tires and learned that seat covers don't work in the back of my car. I should probably tell you what kind of car it is. It's a 1990 Subaru Legacy Sudan, so its older than me but its a good car. It gets 33 mpg highway, which is awesome! Everyone's paying like thirty thousand or whatever so they can get good mileage and my dad got my car for just a thousand. This car has been around since I can remember, its always been in my family. First it was my Great Grandmothers, then my Dads, then my Grandmas, and finnaly it went back and fourth between my Aunt and grandma for years, and now we don't really know who were suppose to give the money too. Just kidding, I guess that finnaly its mine. Which is funny because I don't exactly have a permit... I'm too lazy. But if I do live out of my car I'll go home sometimes, or to a friends so it won't be solid car time or whatever... But I guess its impossible for me to truly know right now. Want to know what blows my mind?! I guess you don't really have a choice, but I'll be able to drive next summer! I know, its not even summer now, but theres always been so much time before, but now its all surging down, its weird. Does anyone else feel like the school district puts a ton of pressure upon thier students to know what they want to be when thy're older? I do. Next time my consler asks I think I'll tell her I want to be a hooker. It'd be brillant. Watch as that be the one time she listens to me. The last time I met with her, she decided I was going to go to the U. NO FUCKING WAY!!! I hate Utah more than anything and I'm leaving as soon as I can, so all the meeting amounted up to was my consler and I arguing that the U's a good school, and that the U sucks. Pretty fun. Well, I lost. BIG time. But thats ok the school district is run by the government, and the governments corrupt... I think I'm going to go do more productive things for now... Bye? I guess?