Its weird to think that the paper I use to write on, is recycled into new paper that could be in my hands. I wrote thoughts and stories then, and I am writing thoughts and stories now. What if its not only the paper thats recycled? But our thoughts too? Not that our thoughts are on a continus reel, but more of, they're the same but more developed. If you think about it, it could be. When we want something, we come up with an old plan more developed "to better fit" the situation. But, in sense, aren't they the same thoughts that we've always had? Sure there are new people in our thoughts, new places and maybe a few new sensations. But is it really that different from those we've had in the past? Could the human mind possibly hold so many new thoughts? What if when all the new thoughts come in all the old ones just well, fall out? We can't possibly keep them all could we? I know that the bad one's are always crystal clear until they eventually get blocked out... but the good ones seem to fade quicker... Maybe I'm losing my mind I'll blog more later. Peace.