I hate school. I know everyone does but... When you walk into the building does it bring you to tears? Didn't think so, but if it does we should start a club or something... But evertime I walk into that god foresaken building part of my soul DIES. Its not so much the learning I hate, in fact, as nerdy as that sounds, but its enlighting. Anyways I'm not sure what I hate about it. Maybe its because I have to listen to everyone bitch about the homework and how little sleep they got the night before. WERE ALL TIRED! I mean, if you stayed up untill 3am I'll listen but if you're just tired I don't really care. Well I do, just not today because I'm in a bitchy mood and I don't know why. I guess people just need to get over themselves and just bit they're lip... I guess I'm not one to talk, espically now. But I feel like I'm sufficating every time I'm within eyesite of the building. Well I don't now. I'll read this once I'm not in a bad mood and laugh at how spoiled I sound... Just wait. But if you're wondering, my faith in karma has been altered greatly. I don't think it exists anymore. So generally theres a peak in the storm that over shadows my week. like friday at school I couldn't stop crying. It wasn't just a few tears through out the day, it was uncontrollable spewing of tears. I couldn't stop. It was awful. I thought that would be the peak of the storm. (Wow if you just started reading this it'd sound like I was just talking about my period.) Boy, I was wrong. Today was just as bad. I didn't even smile. Which, if you don't know me says ALOT. I smile even when I'm not happy. At all. But today I didn't smile, well maybe like one or twice, but still. And I was pretty quite, I guess I only talk when I feel like I have something important to say or I'm nervous; but its still not that great I didn't talk. My friend keeps telling me that someone's gonna come and make everything feel better. I don't know if I believe this, I want to but, why now? And besides karma's not real there's nothing that will even it all out. But I'm going to go do other shit, but I want to leave something I said, mostly so I don't forget, but here goes nothing. "I want to laugh at the irony of it all, but cry in despair."